Single Sector Funds
Single Sector Funds

Mercer CoreSeries Portfolios

Mercer CoreSeries Active offers a range of Portfolios for advisers and their clients. The Portfolios are intended to meet the needs of a range of investors and risk profiles and are structured as a separately managed account (SMA). A separately managed account is a collection of investments, generally held through a non-unitised registered managed investment scheme, which is managed on your client’s behalf by a professional portfolio manager.

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Mercer CoreSeries Passive Portfolios – These Portfolios cover a wide range of index investments including shares, property and fixed interest indices. They are managed for different risk profiles and access the broad market movements of various asset classes seeking to meet the needs of clients who are advised.

Download the Mercer CoreSeries Passive brochures

View Mercer CoreSeries Passive portfolio insights and reports.

Mercer CoreSeries – Retirement Portfolios

Mercer CoreSeries Retirement Portfolios offers portfolios intended to meet the needs of retiree investors with medium or high risk profiles. Both portfolios are diversified, actively managed entities and may invest in asset classes such as equities, property, infrastructure, fixed interest and cash.

Download the Mercer CoreSeries Retirement Portfolios brochures

View the Mercer Coreseries Retirement Portfolios insights and reports.